Years ago I had a client with foot pain. She had struggled through the whole track season. She was a pole vaulter and would take two vaults to win the meet. And that includes her warm up vault.
The State meet was ten days away. She had been using modalities all season without relief. I met with her and the time frame limited my options. What I did have to offer was aggressive rest. I put her on crutches. She used crutches every day the entire time and even used them walking onto the track at he State meet.
She managed to do 10 vaults and medaled at State. Healthy, she should have won State but a medal is better than nothing.
So if you are miserable, hurting, and have an event in a few days you absolutely must do, try aggressive rest. Unload the affected tissue as much as possible. Will there be atrophy? Yes. But there is going to be atrophy with pain and inflammation anyways. Eliminate as much pain, spasm, and inflammation as possible and make an attempt with your event.
Good luck.