What I Learned Hiking Camelback Mountain

On my trip to Arizona I learned that the fitness of a community is impacted by the immediately available options. I used to have the common grounds behind me in my previous house. Jogging and sprinting up 60 feet of hill was in the workout mix. I did not do it weekly but did it often. I haven’t found a hill near the current house so hill workouts are not in the mix.

We went hiking in Arizona and there were a mix of people and abilities going up the trail. They crushed it: old, young, skinny, not skinny, nimble, using a walking stick or two, tennis shoes, hiking boots.

My middle daughter crushed it. She went up and up and only had one sliding step on her descent. We were all breathing hard but not short of breath.

On the way down the mountain a family was headed up with their daughter in the lead. They were not meeting her expectations. “Are we trying to break our record?” We need to move.”

Next time we will set our record.