Strength Is Contagious

I used to train at the best Strongman gym in the world. They had everything. They had concrete stones, granite stones, axles, logs, Hercules holds, farmers implements, frame carry implements, power stairs, harnesses, ropes, grip implements, kegs, barrels, yokes, sleds, tires, sandbags, etc.

The training group fell apart and the owner started helping high school athletes. I joined them a few times and was shaken. Kids were loading kegs that took me 3 months to learn how to load. They were carrying sandbags that were heavy and challenging. Was it something in the water? Had gravity weakened?

I think they did not know it was heavy. They would watch an old man do it. Then a senior does it. Then a junior lifts it. Then a sophomore lifts it. Then the freshman tries it and does it. Once one person could do it, the rest of the group’s expectations shifted. They expected that they could do it. Nobody told them it was heavy or challenging. Strength was contagious.

Is strength, speed, or success contagious in your training group? How can you make it more infectious?