I Lost Forty Six Pounds With The Help Of One Simple Thing I Found In The Power Of Habit

I read the Power Of Habit a few years ago and finally put what I learned into action in 2019.

The quick summary is I needed to break the Stimulus => Response relationship I had built over my career. For as long as I can remember, I am either working or eating. Treat patients or shove food down my throat and get back to treating patients. The Stimulus => Response that developed was when things slowed for a minute, I would eat something. I was not necessarily hungry. But the habit told me I to eat.

To lose weight, in each break in the action, I needed to stop, take a moment, and recognize that I was not hungry.

I had great success breaking the habit and steadily lost weight.

Then the pandemic started and I developed a new bad habit I have yet to conquer. I arrive home and eat a ton of nuts. My weight is slowly roller-coastering but is in a lower range on the scale and I am still in narrower waisted pants. I am trying to break this habit by finding a different one to put in its place. Mixed nuts are just so tasty.