How To Use A Kettlebell To Find Your Moment Of Zen

This summer my daughter had an internship removing invasive plants at Delaware’s State Parks. She needed portable exercise equipment and I had a few pieces she could borrow.

She grabbed a kettlebell and I loaned her a portable DVD player and two kettlebell flipping videos from Jeff Martone. Jeff was part of Pavel’s original kettlebell efforts (RKC) before he was excommunicated.

She quickly mastered the basics before progressing to releases, flips, and some juggling moves. She was nice enough to send some videos home of her progression.

As she learned to juggle the kettlebell she found what she was not lookinfg for: a moment of zen.

Your mind can wander when you are doing a set of 20 or 50 swings or snatches. It does not wander when you release a kettlebell. The world disappears and goes quiet as you focus on the revolving bell and look for the handle to come around. That silence is golden.

When you have mastered the kettlebell swing, try learning a release and then progress to a flip. Working a release or flip into a circuit or set of 20 every 5 or 10 swings is a tremendous focusing event. There are plenty of videos on YouTube so I will leave my instruction at that.

Try something new and give kettlebell juggling a try. I hope you experience the same moments of focus and quiet and zen that my daughter and I do.