How To Have A Productive Weekend And Increase Your Monday Morning Happiness By At Least 50%

I used to enter each weekend hoping to get thirty things done and reach Monday with disappointment. Then I decided if I got just one thing done I had a successful weekend. If I I finished two projects, I was doing great. If I finished three projects I had a world-class productive weekend.

I do not need to world-class every week. I just need to get one thing done to be productive.

This morning I cleaned the butler pantry countertop where things pile up. I fixed the front trim on my daughter’s desk that she managed to break off. Finally, I moved a light in the workout room that blinded me with the bench press and when I looked up to grab the chin up bar. I did not get a single thing done for work and that is okay.

That was my Saturday. I have all Sunday to achieve something for work and have a truly world- class productive weekend.

Lowering my expectations helped me get more done and feel better about it.